i added texture by cutting out those little lines on his back. It didnt really do much for the image, but its better than nothing. it is important, because it shows the realness of it or in other words the lifeness it has.
for positive and negative spaces i would come to some spots where they intersect. What i had to do was make a small line going around the dark spot that i wanted to be visable.
For the bottom left corner of my print some lines are showing up, but they arent suppose to be there. Since i liked the way it looked i made sure that in all the prints i made that they would show up.
The background wasnt really all that great, it didnt really make any sence. The middleground was the best, because it had the main focus of the picture which didnt look to bad. The foreground had the lesss, because i didnt really acount for it, but the lines that i accentdently made, made up for it.